You already know it

Market research becomes increasingly digital

Covid has a big impact on projects. With smaller budgets, more and more studies have to be conducted remotely.

The evaluation of large amounts of data is complex and takes a lot of time. In the end, everything has to be nicely prepared for the customer.

Participants for studies must be found in special niches, some of which are distributed worldwide.

Your challenges are real

But Mataono helps you

Remote analysis

With Mataono you can also measure remote emotional reactions of participants.


We provide novel data for your customers. Our easy-to-analyze charts allow you to derive insights directly.

Easy to use

No complex setup necessary: Use direct integration with Zoom, or upload any video recording afterwards.

Data based

Mataono helps you gain objective data on impact. This allows results to be presented with confidence.


Compare the emotional response of large test groups at a glance.

Mataono supports You

Versatile application scenarios in market research

You can use Mataono in both quantitative and qualitative research.
Here is a selection of methods we have already supported:

Visual Aid Tests

Measure the impact of materials in sales calls.

In-depth interviews

Capture the emotional reactions of your subjects.

Ad tests

Find out how people respond to ads and videos.

UX Research

Get deep insights into the emotional world of your test group when testing applications.

Your world can be better

Discover emotions in the digital space

  • Deeper analytics: Mataono allows you to get data-driven insight into conversations so you have more confidence in your analytics.
  • Better results: Mataono detects subconscious emotions in facial features. So nothing is hidden from you and you get objective feedback.
  • More time for quality: With Mataono's easy-to-analyze diagrams, you can detect abnormalities faster and have more time for your evaluations.
  • Anyone can participate: By making Mataono easy to use, you can engage anyone around the world in your research.

"The consistency of the results of the psychological Mataono evaluation is impressive."

Identify your winning marketing materials

We supported the market research for a new to-be-launched medication. We found out which product slides performed well with practitioners and which did not. This enabled a new feedback loop before the big launch.

Read more about this case study Icon For Arrow-right

Our offer to you

Use Mataono simply and easily

Live analysis

Analysis during the interview (online or presence)

The results are immediately available at the end of the interview. You can use any conventional webcam.

Use with your own account or with our concierge service.


Upload video independently and have it analyzed

The analysis can be performed automatically afterwards. The video can come from different sources (MS Teams, Zoom, ...).

Use with own account or with our video service.

Zoom integration

Analysis at the end of the call by Zoom app.

Analysis is started automatically after the call ends. There is no integration or setup effort, just adding the Zoom app.

Use with your own account.

Christian Dimanski

Free consultation

Conduct better sales training with Emotional Selling

Schedule your personal 30-minute consultation and let our founder Chris explain how you can effectively use emotions in your sales training.

Request free consultation

Boost your analytics in three simple steps

Capture video stream

Our analysis works with any kind of video. You can use our in-app recording with webcam or upload your latest Zoom recording.

Time to results: Instant (in-app)

See the emotions

Our emotions graph displays all emotions of participants over time. See peaks and lows at a glance.

Time to results: Instant

Dive into data

We detect 7 basic emotions every second. This allows for sophisticated analysis of empathy or how well your marketing materials performed.

Time to results: Instant